珍妮佛.瓊斯Jennifer E. Jones是加拿大安大略省溫莎-羅斯蘭(Windsor-Roseland)扶輪社社員,已被提名擔任國際扶輪2022-23年度社長,此一具有開創性的選舉結果將使她成為扶輪組織115年歷史中第一位擔任社長職位的女性。
瓊斯說,她把扶輪的行動計劃(Action Plan)視為增進扶輪影響力的催化劑。
瓊斯在她的願景聲明中說:「當我們深思我們新的策略優先事項時,我們可能從未料想到我們的適應能力會在最近歷史上無疑是意義最深遠的時刻成為我們的北極星。」 「一線線光明都是來自最具艱困的情況。利用指標驅動的目標,我將利用此一歷史願景來創新、教育及交流各種反映當今現實的機會。」
身為首位被提名的女性,瓊斯深知貫徹扶輪的「多元、平等與包容性(DEI)聲明」Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (EDI) Statement 有多麼重要。瓊斯說:「我相信多元、平等和包容……從最高層開始,對於我們來說,要實現女性社員和40歲以下社員的增長──這些人口需要反映在領導層中。」 「我將努力使兩類社員都保持兩位數的增長,同時又不失整個扶輪家庭的視野。」
瓊斯是溫莎屢獲殊榮的媒體公司Media Street Productions Inc.的創始人兼董事長。她曾任溫莎大學理事會理事長和溫莎-埃塞克斯區商會會長。她因服務傑出榮獲基督教青年會頒授和平獎章表彰、女王鑽禧獎章及第一位獲得韋恩州立大學的年度和平創造者獎的加拿大人。瓊斯擁有法學博士學位(LL.D.)。
瓊斯最近領導過成功的「扶輪應援電視馬拉松」(#RotaryResponds Telethon),為COVID-19救濟活動籌集了急需的資金,並有超過65,000人觀看。瓊斯還曾獲頒國際扶輪的「超我服務獎」與「扶輪基金會有功服務獎」。她與丈夫尼可拉斯.柯雷亞西奇Nick Krayacich是扶輪基金會的阿奇.柯藍夫會、保羅哈理斯會及遺贈會的會員。
2022-23年度國際扶輪社長提名委員會委員為:美國喬治亞州亞特蘭大大都會Dunwoody 扶輪社的Robert L. Hall; 美國喬加州Oakland Uptown扶輪社的Bradford R. Howard; 丹麥葛列斯特德Aarup扶輪社的Per Høyen; 德國契恩朵夫Nürnberg-Reichswald扶輪社的Peter Iblher; 印度馬哈拉許特拉邦Mulund扶輪社的Ashok Mahajan; 迦納阿克拉Accra扶輪社的Sam Okudzeto; 西班牙馬德里Majadahonda扶輪社的Eduardo San Martín Carreño;日本神奈川縣茅崎市Chigasaki-Shonan扶輪社的松宮 剛Takeshi Matsumiya; 美國喬緬因州Cape Elizabeth扶輪社的Michael K. McGovern(秘書); 巴西聖保羅省São Paulo-Sul扶輪社的José Alfredo Pretoni; 泰國曼谷Bang Rak扶輪社的Saowalak Rattanavich;加拿大卑詩省大薩里市Langley Central扶輪社的Hendreen Dean Rohrs; 美國阿拉巴馬州Decatur扶輪社的Kenneth M. Schuppert, Jr. (主委); 印度西孟加拉邦Belur扶輪社的Ravindra P. Sehgal; 澳大利亞圖拉灘Merimbula扶輪社的Noel Trevaskis; 義大利熱內亞Genova扶輪社的Giuseppe Viale; 以及韓國大邱Daegu-West扶輪社的Chang-Gon Yim。
本文由台灣扶輪月刊/台灣扶輪出版譯自國際扶輪網站中Jennifer E. Jones makes history, becomes first woman named Rotary president-nominee
Jennifer E. Jones makes history, becomes first woman named Rotary president-nominee
Jennifer E. Jones, a member of the Rotary Club of Windsor-Roseland, Ontario, Canada, has been nominated to become Rotary International’s president for 2022-23, a groundbreaking selection that will make her the first woman to hold that office in the organization’s 115-year history.
Jones will officially become president-nominee on 1 October if no other candidates challenge her.
Jones says she sees Rotary’s Action Plan as a catalyst for increasing Rotary’s impact.
“As we reflect upon our new strategic priorities, we could have never envisioned that our ability to adapt would become our North Star during what is inarguably the most profound time in recent history,” Jones said in her vision statement. “Silver linings rise out of the most challenging circumstances. Using metric-driven goals, I will harness this historic landscape to innovate, educate, and communicate opportunities that reflect today’s reality.”
As the first woman to be nominated to be president, Jones understands how important it is to follow through on Rotary’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Statement. “I believe that diversity, equity, and inclusion … begins at the top and for us to realize growth in female membership and members under the age of forty — these demographics need to see their own reflection in leadership,” Jones said. “I will champion double-digit growth in both categories while never losing sight of our entire family.”
Jones is founder and president of Media Street Productions Inc., an award-winning media company in Windsor. She was chair of the board of governors of the University of Windsor and chair of the Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce. She has been recognized for her service with the YMCA Peace Medallion, the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal, and Wayne State University’s Peacemaker of the Year Award, a first for a Canadian. Jones holds a Doctor of Laws (LL.D.).
A current Rotary Foundation trustee, Jones has been a Rotary member since 1997 and has served Rotary as RI vice president, director, training leader, committee chair, moderator, and district governor. She played a lead role in Rotary’s rebranding effort by serving as chair of the Strengthening Rotary’s Advisory Group. She is the co-chair of the End Polio Now Countdown to History Campaign Committee, which aims to raise $150 million for polio eradication efforts.
Jones recently led the successful #RotaryResponds telethon, which raised critical funds for COVID-19 relief and was viewed by more than 65,000. Jones has also received Rotary International’s Service Above Self Award and The Rotary Foundation Citation for Meritorious Service. She and her husband, Nick Krayacich, are members of The Rotary Foundation’s Arch Klumph Society, Paul Harris Society, and the Bequest Society.
The members of the Nominating Committee for the 2022-23 President of Rotary International are: Robert L. Hall, Dunwoody, Metro Atlanta, Georgia, USA; Bradford R. Howard Oakland Uptown, California, USA; Per Høyen, Aarup, Gelsted, Denmark; Peter Iblher, Nürnberg-Reichswald, Zirndorf, Germany; Ashok Mahajan, Mulund, Mah., India; Sam Okudzeto, Accra, Accra, Ghana; Eduardo San Martín Carreño, Majadahonda, Madrid, Spain; Takeshi Matsumiya, Chigasaki-Shonan, Chigasaki Kanagawa, Japan; Michael K. McGovern (secretary), Cape Elizabeth, Maine, USA; José Alfredo Pretoni, São Paulo-Sul, São Paulo, Brazil; Saowalak Rattanavich, Bang Rak, Bangkok, Thailand; Hendreen Dean Rohrs, Langley Central, Surrey, British Columbia, Canada; Kenneth M. Schuppert, Jr (chair)., Decatur, Alabama, USA; Ravindra P. Sehgal, Belur, West Bengal, India; Noel Trevaskis, Merimbula, Tura Beach, Australia; Giuseppe Viale, Genova, Genova, Italy; and Chang-Gon Yim, Daegu-West, Daegu, Korea.
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