萊斯禮是一位特許會計師也是他於1976 年創立的伊恩萊斯禮公司的負責人,在他開始經營自己的公司之前,他任職於大型會計事務所及公司之諮詢部門,從事稽核與管理階層的工作。

         萊斯禮曾是公私立學校的董事、山德林罕市的社區顧問團的成員,並且是波馬利斯海童軍團的團長。過去他曾是Langi-Taan 滑雪俱樂部會長,以及數家慈善機構的榮譽稽核師或顧問。


         自從1978 年加入扶輪社之後,他曾擔任財務、理事、扶輪基金會保管委員,及國際扶輪和扶輪基金會不同的委員會委員與主委。

         他的夫人前總監Juliet 和他都是扶輪基金會的巨額基金捐獻人及遺贈會會員,他們住在穆露達克(Moorooduc),在七公頃的土地上實踐永續發展及有機生活的人生哲學,並育有兩個小孩及擁有四個孫子。

Some years ago, a new acquaintance asked me what should have been a simple question:“What is Rotary?” I opened my mouth to reply and then stopped short with the realization that I simply did not know where to begin. The problem wasn’t that I didn’t know what Rotary was. The problem was that Rotary was — and is — too large and complex to easily define. We are a member-based organization, a club-based organization, and a servicebased organization; we are local, regional, and international; we are community members, businesspeople and professionals, working and retired, active in nearly every country in the world. Every one of our 1.2 million members has a unique set of goals, experiences, and priorities; every one of us has a unique understanding of Rotary.

To me, Rotary is defined not by who we are, but by what we do — by the potential that Rotary gives us, and the ways we realize that potential in meaningful and lasting service. Rotary has been around for a long time: 112 years. In some ways, we’ve changed tremendously, as we’ve grown, matured, and adapted to the changing needs of our members and communities. In our fundamentals, however, we remain the same: an organization of people with the desire— and through Rotary, the ability — to make a difference in our communities, and the world. We answer the question “What is Rotary?” with our actions, by making a ifference
through our service.

As an organization, we recognize how important it is that the world understand what Rotary is, and what we do. At the same time, we know that it is more important than ever to allow our clubs to define Rotary service for themselves. As Rotarians, we have more flexibility than ever to decide how we want our clubs to meet, work, and grow. We’re focused more than ever on making sure that Rotary reflects the people it serves, with more women and a more diverse membership. And we’re working hard to ensure that Rotary remains the world’s pre-eminent volunteer service organization, by emphasizing long-term
planning, sustainable service, and continuity in leadership on every level.

In 2017-18, we will answer the question“What is Rotary?” with the theme Rotary: Making a Difference. However each of us chooses to serve, we do it because we know our service makes a difference in the lives of others. Whether we are building a new playground or a new school, improving medical care or sanitation, training conflict mediators or midwives, we know that the work we do will change people’s lives — in ways large and small — for the better. Whatever motivation each of us had for joining Rotary, it is the satisfaction we find in Rotary that causes us to remain, the satisfaction of knowing that week by week, year by year, we are part of Rotary: Making a Difference.

Ian H.S. Riseley
President, Rotary International, 2017-18

Clubs that are strong and making a positive difference in our communities achieve goals related to Rotary’s three strategic priorities: to support and strengthen clubs, focus and increase humanitarian service, and enhance Rotary’s public image and awareness.

This year’s Rotary Citation will recognize clubs that complete activities that support these priorities. Clubs will have the entire Rotary year — 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018 — to achieve the citation’s goals.

Rotary will be able to verify your club’s completion of most of the goals using our database. For others, we’ll confirm your club’s achievements through information you enter in Rotary Club Central, Rotary Showcase, and Rotary Ideas.

District governors can also track their clubs’progress online.I’m asking each of them to talk with clubs regularly and support them in achieving these goals and Making a Difference.

Find more information at www.rotary.org/presidential-citation. If you have questions, write to riawards@rotary.org.